
Voice of Freedom Democracy Human in Tokyo

By198964mmJune 20, 2023


The June 4th Memorial Exhibit in New York will be open to the public starting on Sunday, June 25, 2023. For the time being, the Exhibit will only be open on Sundays from noon to 4PM. The Exhibit is located in the office complex of its hosting organization, the June 4th Memorial Association (64MA). Its address is: 894 6th Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001.



The entrance of the building at 894 6th Avenue is normally locked on weekends. 64MA will post a sign at the entrance with a number to call. Those who wish to visit the Exhibit should call the posted number upon arrival, and a volunteer staff member will come down and open the entrance.



EVERY ADULT VISITOR IS REQUIRED TO AGREE TO A SET OF RULES BY SIGNING A COPY. The rules include keeping the Exhibit space clean and quiet, no video recording, no taking photos that capture other visitors or the staff, no large bags, and no bathroom use. They also include following the directions of the staff and LEAVING THE PREMISES UNCONDITIONALLY AND IMMEDIATELY IF SO DIRECTED.


六四纪念馆旨在保存对1989年中国人争民主英雄事迹以及六四屠杀的记忆。纪念馆网站 64ma.org上有大量相关信息。

64MA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the memory of the Chinese people’s heroic struggle for democracy in 1989 and the June 4, 1989 Massacre in Beijing. For further information, please visit 64ma.org.

By fdc64jp