
Voice of Freedom Democracy Human in Tokyo

The documentary “Wuhan Lockdown” will be released worldwide on December 30, 2023


On December 30, 2019, Dr. Li Wenliang of Wuhan Central Hospital received information about unknown pneumonia from colleagues at the hospital and sent it to his classmate group. This was the first time the epidemic in Wuhan was reported to the public, and Li Wenliang was reprimanded by the Wuhan Public Security Bureau for this. As of December 30 this year, four full years have passed. Not only has the situation of freedom of speech and human rights in China not changed at all, it has become worse. Some people in the documentary are either in prison or forced to exile. The documentary “Wuhan Lockdown” was specially selected to be released globally on December 30. We hope that the world will pay attention to China’s freedom of speech and human rights situation so that the Wuhan tragedy will never happen again.



“Wuhan Lockdown” Global Premiere Schedule (December 30-31, 2023)

  • 台灣台北,12/30(週六)晚上 6:30,台灣基督長老教會濟南教會,地址:台北市中正區中山南路3號
  • Taiwan, 12/30 (Saturday) 6:30 PM, ” Chi-Nan Presbyterian Church “, No. 3, Zhongshan S Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100


  • 美國紐約,12/30(週六)下午 2:30,六四紀念館,894 6th Ave, New York, NY 10001,報名郵箱:firstviewsalon@gmail.com
  • New York City, USA, 12/30 (Saturday) 2:30 PM, June 4th Memorial Museum, 894 6th Ave, New York, NY 10001, Registration Email: firstviewsalon@gmail.com


  • 美國洛杉磯,12/30(週六)下午 2:00,台灣會館,3001 Walnut Grove Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770,報名郵箱:onion202312@gmail.com
  • Los Angeles, USA, 12/30 (Saturday) 2:00 PM, Taiwan Center: 3001 Walnut Grove Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770, Registration Email: onion202312@gmail.com


  • 日本東京,12/30(週六)下午2:00(※原定2023年12月30日的首映活动改期,活动时间确定之后,再行通知),外國特派員協會,報名郵箱:freevoicetokyo@gmail.com
  • Tokyo, Japan, 12/30 (Saturday) 2:00 PM, Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan, Registration Email: freevoicetokyo@gmail.com


  • 荷蘭海牙,12/31(週日)晚上6:00,報名郵箱:zhanghy@protonmail.com
  • The Hague, Netherlands, 12/31 (Sunday) 6:00 PM, Registration Email: zhanghy@protonmail.com


  • 加拿大多倫多,稍後公佈
  • Toronto, Canada, TBA


  • 英國,稍後公佈
  • United Kingdom, TBA


  • 德國,稍後公佈
  • Germany, TBA


Documentary introduction:


This documentary was planned by Wang Dan and completed by a group of volunteers. The documentary attempts to record public opinion and censorship during the lockdown of Wuhan, and will be screened as a public welfare film for free.



From December 30, 2019, when Li Wenliang, a doctor at Wuhan Central Hospital, first sounded an alarm in a WeChat group to April 8, 2020, when Wuhan officially lifted the lockdown, the epidemic in Wuhan had lasted for 101 days.

During these 101 days, the CCP’s propaganda censorship system issued at least 131 propaganda instructions,deleted 44 media reports and 229 self-media articles, and created at least 638 cases of literary inquisition,making the lockdown of Wuhan not only a rare humanitarian disaster  but also a rare disaster for free expression in  human history.






The British writer George Orwell said that whoever controls the history controls the future.

In China’s official narrative, the Lockdown of Wuhan is an “epidemic” of a great power war.

In the Chinese popular narrative, the Lockdown of Wuhan was a struggle for freedom of speech.

The documentary was under tremendous pressure from the Chinese government during the secret production process. In February 2023, Zhang Hai, one of the interviewees of the documentary, disappeared and was formally arrested in April. In June 2023, the  main creator  announced that he had fled out of China. In the same month, another interviewee, Yang Min, went into exile in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.



The Documentary’s Follow-Up Stories:

1 楊敏 – 紀錄片《武漢封城》受訪者之一。 武漢封城期間,當楊敏從重症病房醒來之後,發現自己心愛的女兒早已被武漢病毒奪去生命。從此,她開始為自己的女兒死尋求公道,因為她認為是政府隱瞞疫情,害死她的女兒的。但也因此,楊敏開始遭到中國政府的嚴密監視和打擊。2023年春,她開始和武漢維權人士一起逃亡,幾經波折,六月流亡到荷蘭。現居荷蘭,隨身攜帶著女兒的兩份死亡證明書,因為這是中國政府撒謊的證據。

  1. Yang Min – One of the interviewees in the documentary “Wuhan Lockdown.” After waking up from the ICU during the Wuhan lockdown, Yang Min found out that her beloved daughter had already lost her life to the virus in Wuhan. Since then, she has been seeking justice for her daughter’s death, as she believes it was the government’s concealment of the epidemic that led to her daughter’s demise. Consequently, Yang Min began to face strict surveillance and crackdown by the Chinese government. In the spring of 2023, she fled with other human rights activists from Wuhan, eventually seeking asylum in the Netherlands in June. She currently resides in the Netherlands, carrying two death certificates of her daughter as evidence of the Chinese government’s lies.


2 張海 – 紀錄片《武漢封城》受訪者之一。張海的父親去世後,張海一直為父親的死討一個說法,甚至三次給習近平寫公開信。張海也因此成為最為活躍的維權人士之一,不僅為父親維權,還積極為弱勢群體維權。2023年2月,因支持武漢退休老人反對“醫改”,張海在深圳家中被抓。4月被捕。

  1. Zhang Hai – Another interviewee from the documentary “Wuhan Lockdown.” After the death of his father, Zhang Hai has been demanding an explanation for his father’s passing, even writing three open letters to Xi Jinping. This made Zhang one of the most active human rights activists, advocating not only for his father but also actively for other vulnerable groups. In February 2023, for supporting Wuhan retirees against “medical reform,” Zhang Hai was arrested at his home in Shenzhen and was officially detained in April.


3 盧煜宇 – 2023年初,紀錄片《武漢封城》主要製作人盧煜宇在初步做完紀錄片之後開始策劃逃亡。因為沒有護照,他不得不翻越邊境,從廣西翻山進入老撾邊境,然後到泰國進入國際難民營。2023年9月,流亡加拿大。

  1. Lu Yu – In early 2023, Lu Yu, the main producer of “Wuhan Lockdown,” began planning his escape after the initial completion of the documentary. Without a passport, he had to cross the border, scaling mountains from Guangxi into Laos, and then into Thailand to enter an international refugee camp. In September 2023, he sought asylum in Canada.


4 方斌 – 紀錄片中的公民記者之一。武漢市民。武漢疫情爆發後,他前往醫院拍攝了武漢疫情死亡真相,2020年2月,在多次拍攝發佈視頻後失蹤,一直生死不明。2023年4月,傳出消息方斌被判刑三年,現出獄。但一直處於軟禁中。

  1. Fang Bin – One of the citizen journalists in the documentary and a Wuhan resident. After the outbreak in Wuhan, he went to hospitals to film the true extent of the epidemic’s fatalities. In February 2020, after releasing several videos, he disappeared and his fate remained unknown. In April 2023, news emerged that Fang Bin had been sentenced to three years and has since been released but remains under house arrest.


5 張展 – 紀錄片中的公民記者之一。2020年5月被上海警方跨省抓捕,9月判刑4年。一直在監獄中絕食抗議,多次傳出生命垂危。

  1. Zhang Zhan – Another citizen journalist featured in the documentary. In May 2020, she was arrested by Shanghai police across provincial lines and sentenced to four years in September. She has been on a hunger strike in prison, protesting, with multiple reports of her being in critical condition.


6 HY – 方斌的朋友,幫助方斌拍攝過視頻,武漢封城期間一直在李文亮醫生的武漢中心醫院做志願者,也拍下不少視頻。因此被嚴密監控。2023年,和楊敏一起逃出中國,他飛往南美“走線”到了美國,現在在美國加州。

  1. HY – A friend of Fang Bin who helped him film videos, HY volunteered at the Wuhan Central Hospital where Dr. Li Wenliang worked during the lockdown and captured many videos. As a result, he was under strict surveillance. In 2023, HY escaped China with Yang Min. He flew to South America and then made his way to the United States, where he now resides in California.


7 張弘遠 – 紀錄片《武漢封城》受訪者之一張毅的兒子。張毅曾因六四坐牢,武漢著名民主人士,其子一直協助其接受外媒採訪說出疫情真相,父子均受中共嚴密監視及威脅騷擾、被旅遊。2023年初,張弘遠協助楊敏出境后逃亡荷蘭申請政治庇護。張毅仍處於邊控狀態。

  1. Zhang Hongyuan – The son of Zhang Yi, one of the interviewees in “Wuhan Lockdown.” Zhang Yi, known for his imprisonment due to the June Fourth incident and as a prominent Wuhan democrat, and his son were both under strict CCP surveillance and threats, harassed, and banned from traveling. Early in 2023, after assisting Yang Min to leave the country, Zhang Hongyuan fled to the Netherlands to apply for political asylum. Zhang Yi remains under border control.


8 歌曲《那年》 – 《武漢封城》全球公映預告片主題曲。2020年3月初,武漢慘烈震驚全國。中國演員任素汐在微博發表歌曲《那年》,迅速被刪除。幸虧被網友轉到推特。《武漢封城》紀錄片製作小組特別把這首歌製作成MV《那年》。

  1. The Song “That Year” – The theme song for the global premiere trailer of “Wuhan Lockdown.” In early March 2020, as Wuhan’s tragedy shocked the nation, Chinese actress Ren Suxi posted the song “That Year” on Weibo, which was quickly deleted. Fortunately, netizens transferred it to Twitter. The production team of “Wuhan Lockdown” specially made this song into a music video “That Year.”

By fdc64jp